The Chronoscepter was shattered thousands of years ago in an effort to keep it from falling into evil hands. An evil overlord known as 'The Campaigner' seeks to shred the fabric of time and rule the universe using an ancient artifact known as 'The Chronoscepter'. Torn from a world long gone, the time traveling warrior Turok has found himself thrust into a savage land torn by conflict.

So, this will kill all the enemies with 1 shot. InstantHitDamage=5 depending on the weapon file.Īnd then change ALL the values to something big like 999. TurokWeapRailgun, TurokWeapShotgun, TurokWeapSMG, TurokWeapSniperRifle, TurokWeapChainGunTurret etc etc.Īnd locate the following line which starts with: Go to the 'Config' Folder located inside the 'TurokGame' folder and locate the following. (supplied by: mokwhy, Kiriai, KingDaniel) Now, while playing, press the key to bring up the console and type any of the following cheat codes. Locate and open the TurokInput.ini file in your Game\Config folder using Notepad.